We ask Greg:
What role do you see dynamic simulation playing in the future of adaptive state-based control?
Greg's Response:
Abnormal operating conditions not only pose process safety and performance issues but also potentially cause equipment damage and environmental violations. Often...
We ask Greg:
What role do you see dynamic simulation playing in the future of adaptive procedure automation?
Greg's Response:
Startups and product or raw material mix transitions performance is particularly nonrepeatable because of manual actions, operator skill limitations and variations,...
We ask Greg:
What role do you see dynamic simulation playing in the future of adaptive Cascade Control?
Greg's Response:
Dynamic first principle simulations with instrumentation dynamics included can help find, test, and tune the inner loop for cascade control so that it can correct for...
We ask Greg:
What role do you see dynamic simulation playing in the future of adaptive Override Control?
Greg's Response:
Override control is considerably challenging because the controllers that are not selected tend to windup, the takeover of control is difficult to make bumpless, controller...
We ask Greg:
What role do you see dynamic simulation playing in the future of adaptive Ratio Control?
Greg's Response:
Ratio control is much more effective than flow feedforward control if there are good flow measurements. Ratio control enables the operator to see and if necessary, adjust a...
We ask Greg:
What role do you see dynamic simulation playing in the future of adaptive Feedforward Control?
Greg's Response:
There are many measured and unmeasured disturbances to process inputs (load disturbances). A feedforward correction needs to arrive at the same point in the process at...
We ask Greg:
What role do you see dynamic simulation playing in the future of adaptive PID Tuning?
Greg's Response:
Essentially all processes are nonlinear where the open loop gain, time constants, and dead times change with operating conditions. These changes are generally quite large for...