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Ask Ron Besuijen - What are critical decisions and why is it important to make them where there is limited time to respond?

multi-purpose dynamic simulation operator training systems ron besuijen Jul 18, 2024

We ask Ron:

What are critical decisions and why is it important to make them where there is limited time to respond?

Ron's Response:

Critical decisions include situations that could include a loss of containment and prompt isolation of the process is required, or when equipment fails and quick response by operations can prevent an outage or loss of production.  There can also be events that require the process to be safe parked when primary equipment fails.

Pattern recognition is an important skill when there is limited time to make a decision. There may not be time to review all the data and all the possible responses. Gary Klein’s Recognition Primed Decision model helps us understand how we make critical decisions. In this model, he explains how we interpret cues from process data to recognize patterns and utilize insights to develop action scripts. A mental simulation is then used to validate the action. This is accomplished from their experiences and their mental models of the process.

Scenario-based training is an effective technique to prepare operators for tough decisions. In this training style, the trainee is given the process data and must detect the problem before they can determine how to correct it. They not only develop pattern recognition skills but also develop critical decision-making skills.

Simulators are an excellent scenario-based training tool. Emergency systems like gas and fire detectors can be included in the model and scenarios developed to train operations to respond to leaks. They can practice initiating the deluge and isolating the process to minimize the release. Flare monitors should also be included in the simulator to highlight the importance of environmental impacts in the response to upsets. If panel operators are trained without flare monitors, they are less likely to consider flaring during an actual process upset in the facility.

Critical thinking is a key skill for panel operators and when used with pattern recognition the impact of process upsets can be minimized. Scenario based training is an effective tool to develop these skills.

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